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Are You Watching Your Walking Style?

The most auspicious day in a human life is one when he/she starts to walk. From that day onward we start moving from place to place.  Some...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Baby Play on Dirt?

Do not worry if your baby play with dirt outside exposed to bacteria.  Scientists in Melbourne explain such children becoming smarter soon than those kept indoors.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Secrets to Catch Men's Eye

According to a study by Scientists at Manchester University, men's eyes catches attention and are centered on lipstick worn mouth of a female he is facing for more than half of time. If lipstick is not worn, the time is distributed more or less equally between lips, eyes and nose.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Breast Feeding Vs. Pregnancy.

There is wide feeling that Breast Feeding halts pregnancy or no need to take contraceptives during early period of breast feeding.  Jill Michelson, Australian Clinical Advisor to Marie Stopes International says it is a myth and there is no scientific reason behind it. He quotes instances  of too many breast feeding women becoming pregnant.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Counselling to Avoid Fate of Diana.

Prince William is reported to have made arrangements for his fiancĂ©e Ms. Kate Middleton to counselling in order to make her prepared for Royal Setup with a view to avoid any untoward in future, like what happened to his mother

Friday, November 19, 2010


Advance Center for Treatment , Research and Education in Cancer at Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai reveals that the quality of gene you inherit is determining factor in checking cancer symptoms rather than the quality of blood or physical traits you own. Hence family history is very important and a genetic testing is recommended for early detection in such cases.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Revolt against TSA's naked scanning .

Have you watched viral going on Youtube  about rebellion on naked scanning at US airports? If not search for  "John Tyner " and watch the episode

Sunday, November 14, 2010

DOG SPOT;Matrimonial & Dating portal for Pet Dogs.

A new web portal has been created by Indian entrepreneurs to upload profiles of canines by its owners who want to improve relation ship status of their pets.  It is getting good response and the owners find it great helpful. 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Diabetes-relation to Cow's Milk

Finish researchers have come up with new idea that cow's milk help development of Type I diabetes in children whose parents have history.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cure for Diabetes with Obesity.

Are you a victim of Diabetes coupled with Obsesity?  Asian Journal of Diabetology suggests surgery called Bariatric  Surgery for getting rid of both at one go.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Suicide Live on internet

Agency reports about a Japanese man committing suicide live on internet. Viewers of U Stream web page informed police who found body of this young man in apartment at Sendai on Tuesday.  He was a suspended Bank employ expressing that he was going to die in front of viewers.  Some viewers advised him to desist while others encouraged him to do it immediately. Any how the chat - show ended with his death.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Caution: Pregnant women- Use of Pain Killers.

A group of scientists from Finland, Denmark and France have found out that excessive use of pain killers like Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen would lead to infertility among their male child under conception. According to them there is a direct relationship between abnormalities of testicles and these medicines

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Have You Heard about Sexsomnia?

May be a new word to add to the dictionary. But scientists at Victoria University found its evidence.  It is a male genetic disorder making one to indulge in rough mechanical sex while sleeping,  with no concern or remembrance similar to sleep walking. It occurs during early stages of sleep and affected often takes sedatives to avoid unpleasant occurrence.