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Are You Watching Your Walking Style?

The most auspicious day in a human life is one when he/she starts to walk. From that day onward we start moving from place to place.  Some...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Do you notice unusual behaviors of your pets ?

Pets especially dogs are best companions of man. From time immemorial this relation grows and continue. But how many of us mark difference of our pet dogs' behaviors and their attempts to convey useful messages to us?  Their howling and barking change suiting the occasions.  For example barking sounds warning human and animal  intrusions are different. Their faithfulness and reliable nature are often discussed.

 Most recent news is about its owner getting warning signal from it on cancer infection in one of her breasts. A 43 year old woman by name Sharon Rawlinson from Newark,Nottinghamshire got indication  from the unusual behaviour of her pet dog.  The dog was gently pawing on her infected breast as if to take out some infected thing.  Later she went to GP for checkup and confirmed the growth of a lump. As for this great help she is indebted to her pet whom she calls "guardian angel"

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Are You Watching Your Walking Style?

The most auspicious day in a human life is one when he/she starts to walk. From that day onward we start moving from place to place.  Some times it is brisk walking and some times it is slow pace depending on the urgency of the situation.  But regardless of the speed there always exist a style in walking.  If you have no disability in walking it is better you get trained to adopt a stylish walking style attracting attention of others.
Again there is difference in style of walking in male and female.  This gender difference is to be closely observed.  As otherwise it is absurd.  A male adopting female walking style and mannerism is looked down upon.  And equally in case of a female adopting male style.  People would view her as arrogant non cooperative and excessively proud.  On the contrary, it is nature's law that she ought to have an attractive style.  Some animals and birds are watched and liked by their style of walking.  For example a pea cock/or swan looks more attractive while they walk.  Some poets have even imagined that their heroine learning lessons of walking from swan.

This apart, a scientific connection also is attributed to your style of walking. Studies presented at Alzheimer Association International  conference bring in new information that the way you walk reveal the way you think.  A cognitive connection has been established between your walking and thinking.  They say your style of walking during old age is an indication of your chances of getting affected of  memory loss dementia or even Alzheimer’s at the extreme. It has also been suggested that it is indicative of performance of your vital internal body parts including brain, heart, lungs, as compared to the performance of a car running erratic when machine becomes obsolete.

Some may say,  Any how for those who have no causes for worry it is time again to worry about their walking style.  It is not so, your success and good health depend on it.  So it is equally important to watch your walking style