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Are You Watching Your Walking Style?

The most auspicious day in a human life is one when he/she starts to walk. From that day onward we start moving from place to place.  Some...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Interested to live for 100 years?

Dr. Dronamraju, Advisor to US Govt. on health and agriculture says it would soon be possible through developments in the field of genetics, stem cells and nanotechnology. It is through strengthening or replacing vital organs like heart, kidneys, lungs etc. Read full details http://www.deccanchronicle.com/hyderabad/100-yr-life-span-be-common-soon-847

Monday, January 24, 2011

Terror Blast: At least 31 killed in Moscow's Domodedovo airport explosion

What if your Pilot forgot Destination?

Daily Express reports a story of an Air pilot who forgot his destination due to excessive alcohol drinking.  A Delta Airlines Pilot named George La Perle from Boston was one among three Pilots of a 767 Boeing scheduled  on  1st November 2010. When security personnel asked, he said destination as Newyork instead of Detroit. He was detained.  Thank God it was detected. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

First Impression is the Best or Last?

As per a report in Daily Mirror, Researcher Bertram Gawronski, of the University of Western Ontario states that First impression is to remain for ever unchanged till last.

Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2011/01/21/scientists-find-first-impressions-are-nearly-impossible-to-change-115875-22863943/#ixzz1BhDVOvLP
Go Camping for 95p! Vouchers collectable in the Daily and Sunday Mirror until 11th August . Click here for more information

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cat on Jury Duty

Heard the story of a Cat being directed to do the jury duty in Boston?  Jury Commissioner of Boston ordered a cat named Tabby Sal to do Jury duty.  When the error was notified that Tabby Sal is a cat which cannot speak English and requires 17 hours sleep, the owner was informed that is not a disqualification to do jury duty.  Watch the Video

Monday, January 17, 2011

Fair and Beautiful, more Intelligent?

Looks pretty odd to believe! But true as per a joint study by US and British team led by London School of Economics.  They inferred  that Good looking people are more intelligent and wise and their kids appear to possess higher IQs.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Breastfeeding - Latest Information

It has been the contention that breast feeding alone was sufficient for an infant up to the age of six months.  But scientists have come up with a new idea that external food is as much required  to supplement. They say it was never suggested by WHO that supplementary foods were not necessary for infants before completion of six months of age. Read the article from Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2011/jan/14/six-months-breastfeeding-babies-scientists?CMP=twt_fd

New Formula For Cancer Cure.

Have you read the story of a scientific break through in treating Cancer with a medical formula using camel's milk  and its urine?  Abdalla A. Alnajjar, president of Arab Science and Technology Foundation has come up with this new idea.  He says the formula is useful for treatment in all types of cancer including leukemia. For full report see http://gulftoday.ae/portal/0bbd0a62-f37c-4adb-a4b8-f3ab33e22c4a.aspx

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Coldest Place On Earth.

Oimyakon in Russia's republic of Yakutia reported minus 61.2 degree celsius on Friday night. A population of 500 is reeling under severe cold condition for the past few days.  See amazing winter ship pictures on link and compare for relief.http://eyakutia.com/2011/01/river-boats-ships-winter-yakutsk-siberiarussia/

Friday, January 7, 2011

Ways to Check Alcohol Abuse

A National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism supported research by Dr. Dorit Ron PHD , Professor of Neurology at UCSF has found out a new target   a molecular pathway within the brain for treatment of Alcohol Abuse.  More details on link.http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/NewsEvents/NewsReleases/Pages/alcohol_treatment_target.aspx

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Baldness may get cured soon

A team under Dr.George Cotsarelis MD at Pennsylvania School of Medicine has made headway in Baldness treatment. They have detected presence deactivated stem cells at bald areas.  If reactivated, that is the solution for baldness and a cure for it. See the progress of research in link: :http://www.uphs.upenn.edu/news/News_Releases/2011/01/male-pattern-balding-stem-cell-inactivation/

Monday, January 3, 2011

Blood Test to Spot Cancer

Cancer testing may not be as traumatic as before.  A new novel way to check it with a blood test is in the offing. Initiatives being taken by Johnson & Johnson on a project by Mehmet Toner of Harvard University. More details on page http://www.evri.com/news/ap/tPvwE5sdtiIiezYyZVI4lRtenOllxA.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Techniques to Increase speed of your mind

Japantoday discuss about the topic how to increase reading and sports speed to cope with that of the fast changing modern society.  More details in link http://www.japantoday.com/category/lifestyle/view/speed-reading-a-new-tool-to-change-life-in-modern-society