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Are You Watching Your Walking Style?

The most auspicious day in a human life is one when he/she starts to walk. From that day onward we start moving from place to place.  Some...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Formula For Cancer Cure.

Have you read the story of a scientific break through in treating Cancer with a medical formula using camel's milk  and its urine?  Abdalla A. Alnajjar, president of Arab Science and Technology Foundation has come up with this new idea.  He says the formula is useful for treatment in all types of cancer including leukemia. For full report see http://gulftoday.ae/portal/0bbd0a62-f37c-4adb-a4b8-f3ab33e22c4a.aspx


  1. That is very interesting information Sreekumar. Now watch all the US people run out and get a camel or start breeding them over here! But it sure is good info for anyone that is suffering from the horrible cancer.

  2. Thank you Lynn. But the question is, would such cheap options allowed to become popular and useful by the pharma lobby?
